How can I change\delegate which emails I receive from Billing and Accounts deparment at Raines Internet Solutions?
By default, our system will automatically send all email communications to the Primary Account holders email address. This can be changed by visiting the Client Area.
You can delegate emails so that only certian users receive those particular notifications. For example you can configure our notification service to send technical support requests to your in-house technical representitive and Invoice emails to your book-keeping staff.
Login to the Client Area and browse to the link "Manage My Details". Locate the Contacts link on that page. This is where you can edit and change the contacts associated with your account.
Technical Support requests may only be accepted by registered email addresses, depending on the type of support request logged. We recommend that you add all your user's email addresses to the Contacts section who would likely need to make support call with us, this way we can accept the request without any delays or problems.