Planned Maintenance: UniFi Cloud Controller System Maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting System - Raines Internet Solutions UniFi Cloud Controller
  • Planned Service Outage Summary:

    Raines Internet Solutions has a planned service interruption due to software maintenance that needs to be completed on our hosted UniFi Cloud Controller platform. This update requires the system to be offline during the maintenance window. Between the planned maintenance window (17/09/2024 19:00 AEST - 17/09/2024 21:00 AEST) customers will not be able to access the UniFi web console or manage their UniFi devices via the mobile app. 

    Outage Details and Service Impact:

    We apologise in advance for the impact and inconvenience that this outage might have on clients and can assure you that we have planned the update as efficiently as we can to ensure minimal impact to client services.

    Services that the outage will impact are:

    • Ability to login and manage UniFi devices managed by our hosted Ubiquiti UniFi Network Controller.
    • Receive Alerts & Notifications sent from the platform during the planned maintenance window.
    • Ability to access reporting dashboards will be unavailable.
    • Guest WiFi services that utilise the Hosted Captive Portal solution will be offline during the maintenance window.
    • UniFi devices online during the maintenance window will not be affected. All devices are expected to remain online as they hold local cache of running configurations.

    Actions Required By Customers and End-Users:

    No further actions are required by customers. Please log a support request with any further questions.

  • Date - 17/09/2024 19:00 - 17/09/2024 21:00
  • Last Updated - 18/12/2024 16:41
Unplanned Service Disruption Impacting Access to Services in Melbourne Datacentre (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Other - Melbourne Datacentre
  • Please be advised we are performing some backend transit path changes to improve access and capacity to our network in the Melbourne datacentre. However these works have triggered some issues with routing that has caused intermittent network interruption to services hosted in our Melbourne Datacentre.

    We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused. We will update you as information becomes available.

    Service Update 05/01/2024 12:50 PM AEST:

    The service issues are now resolved and we are actively monitoring the network to ensure stability. Primary network transit paths are performing as expected. 

  • Date - 05/01/2024 11:08 - 05/01/2024 12:42
  • Last Updated - 05/01/2024 14:18
Planned Maintenance: Service Monitoring Platform System Maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting System - Service Monitoring Platform
  • Planned Service Outage Summary:

    Raines Internet Solutions has a planned service interruption due to routine software maintenance that needs to be completed on our monitoring platform. This update requires a reboot of the platform to take effect once the update has been applied. Between the planned maintenance window (30/04/2023 22:00 AEST - 30/04/2023 23:30 AEST) customers will notice an intruption to your monitoring services as servers are updated and rebooted.

    Outage Details and Service Impact:

    We apologise in advance for the impact and inconvenience that this outage might have on clients and can assure you that we have planned the update as efficiently as we can to ensure minimal impact to client services.

    Services that the outage will impact are:

    • Monitoring data ingest will be paused during the planned maintenance window.
    • Alerts & Notifications sent from the platform during the planned maintenance window.
    • Ability to access reporting dashboards will be unavailable.

    Actions Required By Customers and End-Users:

    No further actions are required by customers. Please log a support request with any further questions.

  • Date - 30/04/2023 22:00 - 01/05/2023 21:21
  • Last Updated - 30/04/2023 13:05
Unplanned Service Disruption Impacting NBN Services in Victoria and Tasmania (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Other - NBN Services
  • Please be advised that our upstream carrier is experiencing a Major Incident, with nbn services being unable to connect in Victoria and Tasmania.

    Appropriate support teams have been engaged to investigate and identify the cause of the disruption. An ETR will be provided once our initial investigation is complete. Further updates will be provided within the next 2 hours.

    Latest Update - 12:49 PM 13/03/2023:

    Mains power issue at the Melbourne data centre has caused a loss of connectivity to nbn services. Carrier Data Centre engineers alongside with Field engineers and tier 3 engineers are continuing to work through the restoration of all services at this time.

    We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused.

    Latest Update - 2:45 PM 13/03/2023:

    Our upstream carrier advises that all services are now restored and operational. If you are still experiencing issues with NBN services, please reboot your NTD/router and log a support ticket if problems continue.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience this outage may have caused.

  • Date - 29/03/2023 08:44 - 13/03/2023 14:45
  • Last Updated - 13/03/2023 15:06
Unplanned Service Disruption Impacting NBN Services in VIC, NSW, QLD and TAS (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Other - NBN Services
  • Please be advised that our upstream carrier is experiencing a network disruption affecting NBN services attached to states on the East Coast of Australia. We have seen a reduction in traffic attached to VIC, NSW, QLD and TAS.

    At this stage we are still investigating and we will update this notice as information as it is provided by the carrier.

    We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused. We will update you as information becomes available.

  • Date - 10/10/2022 01:00 - 10/10/2022 23:00
  • Last Updated - 11/10/2022 23:17
Users can't access Microsoft Teams (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Other - Microsoft 365 Platform / Microsoft Teams
  • User Impact:

    Users may be unable to access Microsoft Teams via any method (Web/Mobile/App). Customers with Voice Services provided by Raines Internet Solutions routed into the Microsoft Teams platform are impacted with inbound calls not being answered.

    More Info:

    Reported impact scenarios include, but may not be limited to, access to the service, messaging, calling, and meetings.

    The desktop app may sign in successfully, though all functionalities may be down and users may see a “We ran into a problem. Reconnecting…” message. Users leveraging the web client may see a message stating “Operation failed with unexpected error.”.

    Current Status:

    Microsoft support have received reports that users are experiencing issues with the Microsoft Teams service. Support teams are analysing service telemetry to help identify the source of the issue and determine our next steps to restoring the service.

    Scope of Impact:

    This issue may potentially affect any user attempting to utilise the Microsoft Teams service.

    Preliminary Root Cause:

    A recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service, which is causing an issue in which users may be unable to access Microsoft Teams or utilize any functions within the service.

    See the Microsoft Service Status page for further updates: Microsoft 365 Service health status (


  • Date - 21/07/2022 12:18 - 21/07/2022 23:45
  • Last Updated - 21/07/2022 23:27
NBN NNI Network Migration (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Other - NBN EE Business Unlimited Internet Services
  • We wish to advise the following Planned Outage has been scheduled by our up stream carrier.

    Work Start Date/Time: 16-11-2021 00:00:00 AEDT

    Work End Date/Time: 16-11-2021 04:00:00 AEDT

    Location: Victoria and Western Australia

    Impact: Outage / Potential Loss of Network Connectivity

    Expected Outage: Up to 1 Hour

  • Date - 16/11/2021 00:00 - 16/11/2021 04:00
  • Last Updated - 12/04/2022 21:42
Problem making or receiving calls using Microsoft Teams (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting System - Microsoft 365 Tenants - APAC Region
  • User Impact:

    Users may be unable to make or receive PSTN calls using Microsoft Teams.

    More info:

    Users may receive a connection error "Sorry we are unable to connect you." Users of Microsoft Teams call queues and auto attendants provisioned in APAC may also be experiencing issues.

    Current Status:

    We're reviewing service failures captured in our telemetry to identify the underlying cause of the issue.

    Scope of Impact:

    Based on our current telemetry, a subset of users may be impacted by this issue.

    June 15, 2021 12:13 PM - Update:

    We’ve completed redirecting traffic to alternate infrastructure and we’re closely monitoring the service as it return to a healthy state. Users should be seeing some recovery at this time. This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

    Please check your Microsoft 365 Admin Centre for further updates on this outage.

    See this link: Microsoft 365 admin center - Service health

  • Date - 15/06/2021 10:24 - 15/06/2021 12:13
  • Last Updated - 15/06/2021 12:30
Shared-Hosting Performance Issue (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Plesk Linux (Client Accounts)
  • We are currently investigating a server performance issue that is impacting shared-hosting customers on our Linux-based server platform. 

    Update  07/06/2019 11:00AM AEST:

    System performance has stabilised. Investigations into the cause have found that the server experienced a performance impact from the overnight backup process that didn't exit/end correctly early this morning. We will continue to monitor and update accordingly.

  • Date - 07/06/2019 06:30 - 07/06/2019 11:00
  • Last Updated - 18/06/2019 02:51
Power Outage at Melbourne Datacentre (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Other - IaaS, Shared-Hosting and Co-location Services
  • Raines Internet Solutions is experiencing a power outage at our Melbourne data centre. Backup generators are coming online and we are working to restore services as quickly as possible.

    Progress Update 03/06/2019 16:16: 

    Most services have been restored and we are continuing to check and verify all customer services are back online. We are investigating the root cause of simultaneous UPS systems failure and seeking advice from DC operators as to what went wrong. Our systems have experienced an unexpected power-cycle during this event. All reports indicate everything is operational now. Please report any identified issues to support. 

  • Date - 03/06/2019 16:00 - 03/06/2019 16:25
  • Last Updated - 03/06/2019 23:48
Un-Scheduled Network Outage (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Other - IaaS, Shared-Hosting and Co-location Services
  • Un-Scheduled Network Outage

    Customers affected: Melbourne Datacentre
    Services affected: IaaS, Shared-Hosting and Co-location services
    Type: Un-Scheduled Network Outage
    Start: 2016-12-13 04:30:00 AEST
    End: 2016-12-13 08:30:00 AEST

    Please be advised that due to some scheduled maintenance performed by our up-stream network carrier on a core-switch Raines Internet Solutions was impacted by an un-planned network outage causing our main IP Transit path to fail into our infrastructure hosted at the Melbourne Datacentre. This event was un-planned and not detected at the time of failure.

    We apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

    All services were back online and running as normal by 2016-12-13 08:30:00 AEST. We will be scheduling some additional planned maintenance on this network link in the coming weeks to identify and mitigate from further issues of the same cause in the future.

  • Date - 13/12/2016 04:30 - 13/12/2016 08:30
  • Last Updated - 13/12/2016 23:53
Planned Maintenance: Core Switch Upgrade (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Other - Network Infrastructure
  • Planned Service Outage Summary:

    Raines Internet Solutions has a planned service interruption due to a core switch upgrade that will take place in our Melbourne data centre. Between the planned maintenance window (12/09/2015 22:00 AEST - 13/09/2015 00:00 AEST) you may notice a short 5-10min interruption to your services as uplinks are disconnected and reconnected to the new infrastructure.

    Further Outage Details and Effected Services:

    We apologise in advance for the impact and inconvenience that this outage might have on clients and can assure you that we have planned the update as efficiently as we can to ensure minimal impact to client services.

    Services that the maintenance will impact are:

    • Email Services
    • Web Services
    • DNS Services
    • Database Servers
    • Customer Control Panel Access
    • Virtual Servers and Managed Infrastructure

    Actions Required By Customers and End-Users:

    This service outage is considered low risk to customer data, we are required to make mention to the following statement:

    Before any outage occurs we suggest making regular backup of your web site and email setup. You can do this by selecting the Backup option in your Web Hosting Control panel. Raines Internet Solutions performs a daily; 7-day cycled off-site backup of shared hosting systems but will always recommend for customers to perform backup's of their own data as a precautionary measure.

    No further actions are required by customers. Please Contact Us on our Support Number: +61 3 9912 6838 for further questions.

  • Date - 12/09/2015 22:00 - 13/12/2016 23:54
  • Last Updated - 12/09/2015 13:12
Un-Planned Service Interruption 30-Dec-2014 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting System - Storage Platform
  • Service Outage Summary:

    Due to an unexpected low disk space issue in our storage platform, connectivity to all shared hosting infrastructure was paused on Tuesday 30th December between 2:17am AEDST and 2:37pm AEDST.

    Further Details:

    The service interruption was caused by low disk space event that effected all virtual servers that provide our shared hosting platform. All virtual systems that use the storage platform had been automatically paused until more disk space was allocated. Systems were restored to service by the afternoon. We apologise for the impact and inconvenience that this outage might have had on clients and can assure you that the data on the storage array was unaffected.

  • Date - 30/12/2014 02:17 - 30/12/2014 14:37
  • Last Updated - 30/12/2014 16:36
Planned Infrastructure Maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting System - All Systems
  • Planned Service Outage Summary:

    Raines Internet Solutions has a planned service interruption due to a firmware update that needs to be applied to all our servers in our Melbourne data centre. This update requires us to power cycle each system once the update has been applied. Between the planned maintenance window (10/07/2014 23:45 AEST - 11/07/2014 02:00 AEST) you may notice a small 5-10min intruption to your services as servers are rebooted.

    Further Outage Details and Effected Services:

    We apologise in advance for the impact and inconvenience that this outage might have on clients and can assure you that we have planned the update as efficiently as we can to ensure minimal impact to client services.

    Services that the outage will impact are:

    • Email Services (Inbound Mail - POP3 and IMAP4, Outbound Mail - SMTP)
    • Web Services - All Websites will be un-available.
    • DNS Services - DNS for locally hosted domains will be down. Domain Customers who use off-site DNS Servers would be unaffected.
    • Database Servers (MySQL Services on Windows and Linux, Microsoft SQL 2005 for Windows clients)
    • Customer Control Panel Access will be un-available.
    • Virtual Servers and Managed Infrastructure.

    Actions Required By Customers and End-Users:

    This service outage is considered low risk to customer data, we are required to make mention to the following statement:

    Before any outage occurs we suggest making regular backup of your web site and email setup. You can do this by selecting the Backup option in your Web Hosting Control panel. Raines Internet Solutions performs a daily; 7-day cycled off-site backup of shared hosting systems but will always recommend for customers to perform backup's of their own data as a precautionary measure.

    No further actions are required by customers. Please Contact Us on our Support Number: +61 3 9912 6838 for further questions.

  • Date - 10/07/2014 23:45 - 11/07/2014 02:00
  • Last Updated - 21/07/2014 01:15
Datacentre Rackspace Re-Location (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Other - All Servers and Systems
  • Planned Service Outage Summary:

    Raines Internet Solutions will be re-locating all server equipment into new rackspace located in at the Melbourne Datacentre. During the planned outage period, connectivity to all shared hosting infrastructure will be intermittently lost while servers are being moved. The scheduled re-location procedure will start from Monday 28th January 2013 at 12:00am AEDST and complete at 2:00am AEDST. We have ensured that during the service period all down-time will be kept to a minimum and networking links are already pre-provisioned in the new rackspace before the re-location commences.

    The new rackspace will introduce many improvements in service reliability to our customers including:

    • State-of-the-art secured facility: Tracked with closed circuit digital cameras, biometric finger scans, key cards, coded badges, controlled access after-hours, security system monitoring, restricted access beyond the lobby, and security guards 24×7.
    • Datacentre Total Density: 320 APC Racks
    • Total Power Capacity: 3200 Amps 3 Phase Mains Supply
    • Internet Backbone Network: 500 Mbps (2x Transit / 2x Peering)
    • Cabinets: 42 RU Netshelter SX (600W x 1200D)
    • Power Design: 5kw Per Rack
    • Structured Cabling: 10 Gbps Certified Copper + SM & MM Fibre
    • Generators: 3 x Caterpillar 3412 SR4 Generators
    • Diesel Capacity: 3 x Day Tanks + 28,000 Litre Bulk Tank
    • Maintenance Schedule: Tested 3-Monthly (4 Hour Runs)

    Further Outage Details and Effected Services:

    We apologise in advance for the impact and inconvenience that this outage might have on clients and can assure you that we have planned the relocation project as efficiently as we can to ensure it happens without any problems.

    Services that the outage will impact are:

    • Email Services (Inbound Mail - POP3 and IMAP4, Outbound Mail - SMTP)
    • Web Services - All Websites will be un-available.
    • DNS Services - DNS for locally hosted domains will be down. Domain Customers who use off-site DNS Servers would be unaffected.
    • Database Servers (MySQL Services on Windows and Linux, Microsoft SQL 2005 for Windows clients)
    • Customer Control Panel Access will be un-available.

    Actions Required By Customers and End-Users:

    This service outage is considered low risk to customer data, we are required to make mention to the following statement:

    Before any outage occurs we suggest making regular backup of your web site and email setup. You can do this by selecting the Backup option in your Web Hosting Control panel. Raines Internet Solutions performs a daily; 7-day cycled off-site backup of shared hosting systems but will always recommend for customers to perform backup's of their own data as a precautionary measure.

    No further actions are required by customers. Please Contact Us on our Support Number: +61 3 9912 6838 for further questions.

  • Date - 28/01/2013 00:00 - 28/01/2013 02:00
  • Last Updated - 10/07/2014 17:02
Storage Enclosure Failure Outage Report (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting System - Raines Internet Solutions Shared Hosting Platform
  • Service Outage Summary:

    Due to an unexpected hardware failure connectivity to all shared hosting infrastructure was lost on Tuesday 18th December between 7:00am AEDST and 3:20pm AEDST.

    Further Outage Details and Effected Services:

    The outage was caused by a storage enclosure failure that effected all virtual servers that provide our shared hosting platform. A replacement storage enclosure was installed and systemswere restored to service by the afternoon. We apologise for the impact andinconvenience that this outage might have had on clients and can assure you thatthe data on the storage array was unaffected.

    Services that the outage impacted were:

    • Email Services (Inbound Mail - POP3 and IMAP4, Outbound Mail - SMTP)
    • Web Services - All Websites were un-available.
    • DNS Services - DNS for locally hosted domainswas down. Domain Customers who use off-site DNS Servers would have been unaffected.
    • Database Servers (MySQL Services on Windows and Linux, Microsoft SQL 2005 for Windows clients)
    • Customer Control Panel Access was un-available.

    Actions Required By Customers and End-Users:

    This service outagewas consideredhigh risk to customer data and although data corruption did not occur we are required to make mention to the following statement:

    Before any outage occurs we suggest making regularbackup of your web site and email setup. You can do this by selecting the Backup option in your Web Hosting Control panel. Raines Internet Solutions performs a daily; 7-day cycled off-site backup ofshared hostingsystems but will always recommend for customers to perform backup's of their own data as a precautionary measure.

    Nofurther actions are required by customers. Please Contact Us on our Support Number: +61 3 9912 6838 for further questions.

  • Date - 18/12/2012 07:00 - 18/12/2012 15:20
  • Last Updated - 20/12/2012 13:12
Web Server Outage (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting System -
  • Service Outage Summary:

    This service notification is to inform customers hosted on that for a short period this afternoon the webserver component crashed due to a configuration error and web page access for all sites hosted on this system experienced a small outage which would have affected users browsing sites on this system.

    The problem has now been resolved and all sites are reported to be back online and we apologise for any in convenience caused.

  • Date - 28/01/2012 13:00 - 28/01/2012 16:40
  • Last Updated - 28/01/2012 16:42
Emergency Service Outage at our Melbourne DC (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting System - All Raines Internet Solutions Services
  • Service Outage Summary:

    Due to significant damage sustained during the flooding of the Melbourne CBD last weekend, there will be an Emergency outage at our Melbourne CBD data centre this Saturday 13th March between 2:00am AEDST and 10:00am AEDST.

    Please read the full notification for complete details.

  • Date - 13/03/2010 02:00 - 09/04/2010 10:57
  • Last Updated - 22/12/2010 11:18
Outbound Mail Outage (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Plesk Linux (Client Accounts)
  • Service Outage Summary:

    This service notification is to inform customers hosted on that for a short period this morning outbound email experienced a small outage which would have affected customers sending emails from this system.

    The problem has now been resolved and we apologise for any in convenience caused.

  • Date - 00/00/0000 - 22/12/2010 10:30
  • Last Updated - 22/12/2010 11:16
Network Outage IP Address Changes (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting System - Linux and Windows Server Platforms
  • Service Outage Summary:
    Raines Internet Solutions will be conducting a small network upgrade on Friday 13th November 2009. Customers will experience a a series of short service interruptions for approx 15min's each starting at 12:00am (AES-DST).
    Please read the full notification for complete details.

  • Date - 13/11/2009 01:00 - 13/11/2009 03:00
  • Last Updated - 11/03/2010 00:12